Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Success And Success Of Success - 1404 Words

Imagine walking down the street and seeing a pure-white 2017 Mercedes Benz E Class parked in front in of a large house. One thing that may enter your mind is that whoever owns this must have money. You begin to wonder what he or she does for a living. Looking at the house, then at the car you conclude that this person must be famous; therefore, successful. As you stand there gawking at the house and car someone exits the front door and you recognize it’s your friend. Both of you engage in conversation, and you’re overly excited about this new car and home and he just remains cool about it. To him the house is just a place to stay and the car is just a thing to drive, but to you these things represent reaching a level of success. What is success? Success is a term with many definitions. Webster’s dictionary defines success in four different ways: (1) the favorable or prosperous termination of attempts or endeavors; (2) the attainment of wealth, position, honors or the like; (3) a successful performance or achievement; and (4) a person or thing that is successful. Despite the seeming clear definitions of the word, it’s different for each individual. However, out of the four meanings, many only associated the word with definition number two. Society says success is determined by how much money one makes or the level of fame achieved. Although society equates power, prestige, and wealth to success, there is a problem in society s view of success and Webster’sShow MoreRelatedSuccess And Success For Success2050 Words   |  9 Pagesday. Success means having the life you want, so it is something that we all aim for. We all want to be able to live a comfortable life doing what we love. The problem is that many people don t know how to be successful in life. 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